For a while now I've been working on this blog. Unfortunately it has taken me six months to kinda complete it (still a work in progress). It's been on my "to do list", I just hadn't gotten to it. In fact, there's a lot that's on my to do list. Some of my goals include things like photography, including fashion; sewing, taking up an instrument, becoming a gourmet cook, developing excellent writing skills to blog about God and all He's done for me and what I have done for Him and much more. (I love reading blogs such as Donald Miller's and Francis Chan's). I keep seeing all these blogs of people posting their accomplishments and cool new ideas for just about everything I get inspired and motivated to try such things. The sad part is, once I leave the couch all motivation is gone; well... maybe not THAT drastic. Soo....using desperate measure *insert eye roll* I'm keeping track and keeping my motivation by blogging all that I do...and maybe inspire some new ideas :) I love hearing about what others have done.
PS. Stay tuned for my next post :)